Make Fractions Fun!
Fractions can be another very intimidating concept in math. When reinforcing the concept, it is important to make connections with real life. One very simple connection is that of pizza. A lesson on fractions and pizza will be more ingrained in their memory. Below you will find a video on this same topic. A teacher created a very hands-on lesson that integrates both math and language. Take a look...
His video is entitled, My Fraction Pizza: Integrating Mathematics and Literacy
Once students have the concept of wholes, halves, quarters, equal parts, etc... the possibilities are endless. His idea of constructing a pizza and being able to write about it descriptively and then passing it on after deconstructing the pizza is fabulous. The students have to make sure not only their math is right on but their writing as well. Now the job of each student is to read and recreate their classmate's pizza. Try it out!
You could even use cookies with different ingredients as a variation on this assignment. Possibilities include chocolate chips, M&M's, white chocolate chips, sprinkles, or anything kids like in cookies that are countable once made. A suggestion would be not to mix them in but to place them on top so they take on the same idea as pizza ingredients.
Other fraction games are listed below:
Sheppard Software has many fraction games. Just scroll down to the section on fractions.
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