Prime Numbers!
Prime numbers are an infinite set of whole numbers that are only divisible by 1 and the number itself. (example: 13/1=13 and 13/13=1 There are no other divisors).
Some reminders about prime numbers are:
*Number 1 is not a prime number but rather a natural number.
*Any even number that is greater than 2 is not prime.
Sound easy enough to teach? Well, the ability to know what the divisors are can be complicated. A student needs to have the skill of factorization and division well understood in order to find those prime numbers.
This rap is a great way to get them to remember as well. Music has an amazing way of teaching concepts and being able to recall easily. After watching this video, ask students to prepare their own rap. By using the information they know, they will recall it well into the future and not just for a test.
Prime Numbers Rap Typography
Have students rediscover factors for reinforcement if needed. This is a fun game similar to "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" that will be an effective way to review instead of just reviewing on the board.
Depending on the grade, have students find prime numbers up to a certain number (for example, 4th graders can get to the 300's easily since they know their factors and division quite well, whereas 3rd grade can perhaps get to the 100's).
Prime Numbers Game
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